On imbd.com a user from dublin makes a very interesting statement - "For the gift of `Aliens' and `The Terminator' I am willing to forgive Cameron's `Titanic'." Clearly this man, or obsessive sci-fi Schwarzenegger fan, was a little mistaken about Titanic- but even so, he makes a point: these movies are distinctly different. What kind of director goes from writing a screenplay based off a nightmare and directing it as a crazy sci-fi back-to-the-future killing maniac, to creating one of-if not thee- most visually poetic historical epics of all time? James Cameron. What a stud.
There are, however, a few similarities in the Titanic and the Terminator. First of all, the titles both begin with the consanent "T". Second, they both have a passionate love affair between two people who have known each other less than a week- and then shortly afterwards, the male dies. Third, they involve a time period other than the present day. And finally, they both instigated a somewhat cult following legacy after the films were released.
James Cameron was able to carry through - however different the stories were - a directing style of elegance. The long clean shots were complemented by just enough close ups and basic back and forth dialogue shots. He kept his creativity with a few out-of-the-ordinary shot angles, but nothing too fancy or ridiculous.
So really, I'll admit it, it kept my attention, and I liked it. I am just one person to support that you can be a James Cameron fan and love him not only for Titanic but also for The Terminator.
Ah, Whitney. Thank you for being on my side-ish. I think everybody needs to understand that there are two sides to this, as you stated in your blog. There are people like Manute who are extremely upset with James Cameron for his sci-fi films and there are people who are extremely upset with him for Titanic. Que raro. Also, fabulous connections between the two films, although I don't think I would use the word "elegant" with the Terminator at all. I think James Cameron has a slightly freaky obsession with killing the male love interest.....or maybe it's just a coincidence (doubt it).
And for the record, your face is a cult. piyahhhh!
Well, although I used the word elegant, I would like to remind you that you used the word "eloquent" I believe? Quite similar in my mind. The "elegance" I was refering to ... the establishing shot of Sarah on the motorcycle, and many of the other establishing/tracking shots near the first half of the film were VERY much like his cinematography in Titanic. You should probably re-watch it. And the male love interest- definitely wierd. I'm anxious to see if Alien carries on the trend...
Whitney Westman, just back the (insert choice profanity here) up! I don't know where you get off being this incredible James Cameron fan, as if you're better than everyone else because you see the good in all of his works. I INTRODUCED YOU TO HIM! And considering me and James have a history, and we talk often, I know that he even admits it was an absolute monstrosity. So you and Kathleen should go throw a little "Fake James Cameron fans" party and maybe watch the sequels.
I frown at you :( that is my face
maybe you should stop being so angry.
Whitney this post was very very clever. The three connections between the two movies i found to be very creative yet ture. I agree with how you say it takes a certian person to be able to go from directing aleins to nightmares. Cameron had to have so many ideas in his brain that he had to get them out on to film no matter how differnt they were from each other. very enlighting
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