Thursday, October 25, 2007

unfor-who cares.

I did not enjoy the movie unforgiven. I don't like movies with a lot of violence in them, and this movie was too painful to watch. However, I do not think that there would have been any other way to get the message of the movie across without the brutal killing scenes. To get into the head of Will Munny and to get into the emotions of the Schofield Kid would not have been possible without seeing them actually kill innocent people. I also think that Ned almost gave the audience an 'out' (before he was killed) to rest assured that at least someone was being a good honest person. The fact that the movie didn't just end with the two men dead made it a whole lot more of an emotional wreck for the audience. They couldn't just end it with getting money and meeting up with Ned; they had to bring a whole new aspect to the film, killing Ned unjustly and making Will need the revenge aspect. I think that there wasn't really another way to get the audience that involved in their lives, but personally I do not support it.

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