Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Film/Plum Noir

With such a beautiful flowing name (Film Noir) I expected the genre to be just as beautiful as my new nail color (Plum Noir). However, as the color Plum Noir is hypnotizingly gorgeous in its depth and richness, I felt that the Film Noir, Out of the Past, just couldn't surpass that standard.
I thought that the movie was 'good', but I think I wasn't expecting all the bluntness and hostility. I don't think it's a genre for me. Yes, the suspense and mood was fun to get into, but I did not like starting off my day in shock that all the characters died leaving me in a somewhat heavy mood. So really, the film was just lacking that plum richness- the color/mood of a little bit of hope and dreaminess- because it was a very brutal ending.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I'm with you in that I wish there was a little more hope in film noir. I realize that is precisely the point (to not have any hope at all) but I can't deny it - I still expected Jeff to somehow save the day without dying. Clearly I'm still pretty naive in terms of film noir.